Health and Safety Issues when connecting peripherals.

Working practices and health and safety issues when connecting the peripherals

The best way to connect peripherals to your CPU or computer is to make sure that you turn off any electrical machinery to do with your CPU or computer. You then can connect your peripherals to your computer without the worry of an electric shock. There is another way to connect peripherals safely is to not touch any wires inside or outside of the device, touching the wires inside and outside could lead to an electric shock when they are turned on. If there is a wire that sticks out of a peripheral it is best that you disconnect or turn off power to the peripheral straight away for safety reasons. If you touch the device when it is connected to the computer you could have a very bad electrical shock because it is connected to the computer which will the electric will travel to the wires which would lead to give you a bad electrical shock. When you aren’t using your peripherals plug them out of your CPU or computer. If you don’t do this it could lead to them burning out or over heating. Also if your peripherals become over heated it is best that you keep it in a cool place so that it will cool down. If you don’t the peripheral will probably burn out and you won’t be able to use it.

When connecting peripherals it is best that you keep your desk tidy so that any objects don’t get tangled up with wires or machinery also. If you do not keep your workstation tidy it could lead to wires over heating when any of your substance covers your machinery this can be a health and safety issue. Also it is very important that you don’t have any kind of liquid near your workplace this is a big health and safety issue. This could lead to you either spilling your drink over your computer which costs a lot of money or spill your drink over components this will lead to your workstation going on fire. It is best that you keep your workstation tidy so that any of these issues doesn’t happen.

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