Data Protection Act and Computer Misuss Act.

Data protection Acts.
The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers.

The 1998 Data Protection Act was passed by Parliament to control the way information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them.

The network manager informs you of the following details about this company:

50 users
When 50 users are logged in they would be protected by the data protection act. The users will be on and will be seen if they are not doing their own work. They would be told to do their own work and thier own thing without copying others. Many users will be down on the system and the data protection act have their details of them 50 users.

No log on to the network
Whenever the users are logged on to the network the users would be saving their work into files. The work would be in files, might be in other files and they could lost their work and the users wouldnt be happy about it by losing there work.

Internet (unrestricted access)
When the users access the internet, the users could be on the wrong sites. The users could be using facebook or other sites even tho they are surpossed to be doing their work. But to prevent that happening they sould restrict the sites so the users would not waste so much time on sites that there not surpossed to be on.

Staff are ‘allowed’ to install and remove software
The users that instal and remove software could give computers a virus and could mess up the computer software. The users should be restricted to not install and to remove software in the companys computer. The users should not instal and remove the programmes because if they remove or instal the software or an important software that is removed the computers could have a virus or mess up the computers.

Data is backed up once a month
The data should be backed up once a month because if the data is backed up once a month the work will not be lost. If the users did not back up the documents and their work once a month, the data could be courrpted or even deleted. People that would be in charge of the computers will be in charge of the data. The users would need to be in charge of the data and be backed up once a month.

Data tapes are kept secure in a locked plastic box on top of the server
Data would not be safe if the tapes was locked in a plastic box on top of the server because the box could melt and lose all the work and could be a fire in the building. The data tapes should be sitting in a fire prove box because the data would be safe and not be ruined and not be melted.

The company keeps records in a database on customers. This information includes:

Purchases: The Company would have a record of a database of the purchases of what the coustomer has bought in the store. They would put it in there delivery recipt so they could get more products to make more profit out of the things they will be selling.

Account numbers: The account numbers are for the products number so they could have it down on their database record.

Bank details: The account of bank details would be important for people using around in shops. Most people would be afride to lose there bank card so thats why they show the bank thier details, thats when they get a new bank card and switch their old one with the new one.

Customer names and addresses: The company would have a database of the customer names and addresses because the company would need to have the names for their wages, if they are in on time or even if they are off work, also the addresses is that they need to know where you live just incase they would need to send out something or even a letter. they would need to protect the coustmers and protect the Data.

Purchase history: Purchase history would be Summarized sales revenue data for a specified number of months or years. The company would do this to protect the data and would be protected by the staff.

All staff has access to the above database information: All the staff shouldnt have access to the database information. Everyone has the

Occasionally the manager has overheard staff discussing account details with other suppliers: The higher people in the company should have the staff details to prevent that people dosnt get other people's details.

Telephone: Every company needs a telephone. The telephone is to call the company or the company calls someone for delevery, It can be for a number of reasons. The company's telephone can be for coustmers for bringing back products etc.

Email is available to all: Make sure that the company shouldnt email Address's or Telephone numbers etc. Because it is privet details and everyone does not want everyone to see thier details. 

IP address log is not kept of sites visited: The Log IP Address should be kept out of sites that is not Appriciated for the company. The company should have ristrictions for using sites for example facebook, YouTube, Etc.

No firewall is in place: The Firewall should be in place so that the firewall can put out Virus's. If there is no firewall the computer could have loads of Virus and shut down the computer.

No restrictions on internet access: There should be Restrictions on the internet so people could not go on sites that there not surpossed to be.

Downloads are not monitored: Downloads are surpossed to be monitered. The download should be monitored because the people in the company could be downloading on the computers that the company does not want. You could put Virus's on the computer by downloading in the wrong site.

Entrance doors are not protected by keypad etc: The entrance should be protected because anybody could just run in and out of the entrance doors. The doors should be protected by a keypad.

Computer Misuss Act

The Computer Misuse Act is designed to protect computer users against wilful attacks and theft of information. Offences under the act include hacking, unauthorised access to computer systems and purposefully spreading malicious and damaging software (malware), such as viruses. Unauthorised access to modify computers include altering software and data, changing passwords and settings to prevent others accessing the system, interfering with the normal operation of the system to its detriment. The act makes it an offence to access or even attempt to access a computer system without the appropriate authorisation. Therefore, even if a hacker tries to get into a system but is unsuccessful they can be prosecuted using this law. The act also outlaws "hacking" software, such as packet sniffers, that can be used to break into or discover ways to get into systems

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